CAS Spotlight: Dr. Rowland Blackley
Director of Choral Activities and Professor of Music at Ashland University Dr. Rowland Blackley, stopped by the WRDL Studios on Friday, November 15 for the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Spotlight. Blackley spoke with Early Bird’s Word hosts about the upcoming 44th annual Madrigal Feaste. Directed by Dr. Blackley, the Madrigal Feaste is a dinner theater based in sixteenth-century England with constant entertainment provided throughout the evening. More information on upcoming events, including the Madrigal Feaste, can be found by contacting the AU Box Office at 419-289-5125. The AU Box Office is located near the Hugo Young Theatre, next to the Coburn Art Gallery on the campus of Ashland University.
(Photo courtesy of Ashland.edu)