Ashland University Athletic Director Bill Goldring joined the Early Bird’s Word Monday to talk about his retirement. Goldring announced his retirement last week. Assistant AD Al King has been named interim Athletic Director at Ashland University.

In addition to offering general comments about the university, President Finks gave some insight into a new prioritization initiative at AU.

Tricia Applegate from the AU Box Office joined the Early Bird’s Word Friday morning to talk about everything going on with the arts at Ashland University. In addition to all of the upcoming events, Applegate discussed the retirement of AU Music Professor Leonard Salvo.

The Early Bird’s Word featured great local interviews on Wednesday morning with two city officials.

Local Roots volunteer Madalyn Humphrey joined the Early Bird’s Word on Tuesday morning.

Two Ashland University athletic coaches and Ashland Mayor Glen Stewart joined the Early Bird’s Word this week.

The Early Bird’s Word featured three exciting (and very different) interviews Friday morning, including Ben Sota from the Zany Umbrella Circus, AU wrestling coach Josh Hutchens, and Jason Coale and Kelsey Bowens from the AU Theater Department.

The Early Bird’s Word featured two great interviews Wednesday morning, both revolving around the recent poor weather that’s hit the Ashland area.

The Early Bird’s Word had three great interviews Friday morning highlighting local events.