

During a press conference on Thursday, April 2nd, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced that the Ohio Department of Health has issued an extension for the current Stay-At-Home Order for all Ohioans. 

This order will last until May 1st when the ODH will then reassess the situation. Similar to the previous order, the extension includes a few exceptions for staying home, including leaving for health and safety, for necessary supplies and services such as grocery store trips, and to take care of others. Outdoor activities like walking your dog and visits to the park are permitted, however, playgrounds are closed at this time. The previous order was set to expire last on April 6th.

All businesses deemed essential must create safe working environments. Grocery stores and other big box retailers are now required to monitor the number of customers at all times, keeping the limit to a healthy standard.

UPDATE (04/30/20): On Thursday, April 30th, Director of the Ohio Department of Health Dr. Amy Action announced that Ohio is extending the Stay-At-Home Order until May 29th for all Ohioans. The extension follows new guidelines that detail the state’s plan to slowly re-open the economy. The new order continues to prohibit gatherings of 10 or more people, while restaurants, bars, gyms, salons, and daycare centers remain closed. Masks are now required for all employees going back to work.

More information on issued orders can be found online at 

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According to the Ashland County Health Department, the Ohio Department of Health’s Call Center can be reached at 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634). The ODH Call Center is staffed by nurses and infectious disease specialists 7 days a week from 9am until 8pm.

(Photo courtesy of WRDL/