Update: Ohio Schools Closed Through Rest of Year

Update: Ohio Schools Closed Through Rest of Year

During a press conference on Monday, April 20th, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced that the state’s School Closure Order has been extended through the rest of the 2019-2020 academic year. DeWine noted that the decision was made after talking with several teachers, administrators, and parents across the state. DeWine further explained that even though the state has flattened the curve of the COVID-19 virus, it’s still not safe to have students back in school. The Governor said a decision has not yet been made about reopening classrooms for the 2020-2021 academic year.

Previously, on Monday, March 30th, Governor Mike DeWine announced that the Ohio Department of Health was extending the closure of all K through 12’s in the state until May 1st. The move was made as recent data on the state’s Coronavirus outbreak showed mid to late April potentially being Ohio’s “peak season.” The original school closure order was set to expire on April 3rd. 

Ohio’s current Stay-At-Home Order is set to expire on May 1st. That order was extended on April 2nd. The order includes a few exceptions for staying home, including leaving for health and safety, for necessary supplies and services such as grocery store trips, and to take care of others. Outdoor activities like walking your dog and visits to the park are permitted, however, playgrounds are closed at this time.

Nationally, President Donald Trump extended federal social distancing guidelines until April 30th, heavily urging all Americans to continue staying home.

More information on issued orders can be found online at ODH.Ohio.gov. 

Breaking news can be found across WRDL Social Media. 

For information and facts regarding COVID-19, please visit WRDLFM.com.

According to the Ashland County Health Department, the Ohio Department of Health’s Call Center can be reached at 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634). The ODH Call Center is staffed by nurses and infectious disease specialists 7 days a week from 9am until 8pm.

(Photo courtesy of PublicDomainPictures.net)